by Tayler Tibbitts | Aug 11, 2023 | Uncategorized
Every elk hunter dreams about memories made in the middle of an absolute rut-fest on a crisp September morning or evening. Hair raising, heart-racing bugles echoing around the basin. Indeed most elk hunters may point to an experience like this as they tell you how they got hooked on elk hunting. We love these moments. But, despite the fun of these moments, don’t sleep on the early, early season hunt.
Now, there’s a chance you find yourself in a hot cow situation on August 30. But it is rarer. Instead, bulls are often still bachelored up and hitting wallows and waterholes regularly. They often won’t be as vocal as they will be later in the month. Even so, these bulls are still call-able! Here are a few suggestions to consider if you choose to hunt elk in the early, early season.
- Advertising Sequence. You’ll find this sequence explained in detail on the ElkNut app in the Sequences section. Here are some high points. Even in the early season, bulls are starting to figure out where they stack up amongst each other. When you enter an area where you know elk frequent, and utilize the Advertising Sequence to announce your presence in a non-aggressive manner, bulls are going to want to know who the newcomer is! Often times they will come in silent, so be ready. You also need to be committed to this sequence, calling and raking consistently for maybe even 30 to 45 minutes, and waiting for that much time or a little longer to see if any bull comes in. You also need to make sure you really are close enough to where the bulls are bedded that they can’t ignore you, the newcomer. As you study this sequence in more depth, and dial in this great early season strategy, you’re going to love hunting the archery opener!
- Cow Party. Here’s the deal: elk are herd animals. Just like with the Advertising Sequence, non-aggressive cow calling may well pique the interest of neighboring elk. Odds are cows, calves or small bulls will be what comes into this sequence, but for many elk hunters that’s a fine trophy. Follow the guidance on the ElkNut app as you practice this sequence, and you’ll be pleased with the increase in the number of elk you see on your next early season elk hunting trip.
- Slow Play Sequence. Now, as stated in the intro above, sometimes cows do come into heat early in the season. And you may well be able to paint this picture to a bull that gives up his location. This sequence is broken down in detail on the ElkNut app, so study up. The gist is that as you guage the temperature of a bull, you slowly and patiently start to heat him up. This is going to take longer than you think most of the time, and you can’t crank the heat up to 10 right out of the gate. Read his reactions and eventually you can get him fired up enough to come into bow range.
We are only a few short weeks away from the archery elk season opener in many states. We all love a good rut-party, and many plan their hunts for that time of the month. But don’t sleep on the early, early season. It’s a sneaky good time to get out and get first crack at the bulls!
Hopefully you’re dusting off the ElkNut app. If you’re up for renewal of your pro subscription, be sure to use the code RENEW25 to save 25% off to renew your subscription to the app again this year. We appreciate your continued support of the app and our platform.
by Tayler Tibbitts | Jun 17, 2023 | Uncategorized
In celebration of the CutRite app’s launch on both the App Store and Play Store, we have put together a sweet giveaway for one lucky winner worth over $1,000 and including prizes from Kifaru International, Schenk Knives, Ivory Holsters, Born and Raised Outdoors, Hunt Chef, and Last Light. Check it out here on our Giveaway page! Contest ends June 30!
by Tayler Tibbitts | Jun 17, 2023 | Uncategorized
Some of our Android users are having an issue with their pro subscription to the CutRite app being recognized. If you’ve tried the “Refresh Subscriptions” button on the Account page and you still don’t have access to the pro content after paying, please send an email to, and he will help you manually make this connection while we sort out the bug in the code on the back end and get a new app build submitted to the Google Play Store.
If you are an Android user and haven’t subscribed yet, but would like to, you can avoid the above issue by subscribing via the web-based version of the app. Just go to this website:, login with the same credentials you used on the mobile app, select Account in the upper right menu, and then subscribe from there. The code CUTRITE50 will save you 50% off on the annual subscription.
Any other issues can be directed to tayler@gotgametech. We want to make sure we get this app working for you!
by Tayler Tibbitts | Jun 13, 2023 | Uncategorized
We are excited to inform you that the CutRite mobile app is live on the App Store and Play Store!
Hundreds of hours of time and effort, blood, sweat and tears have been poured into this app platform, and we’re excited for you to check it out! The app is free to download, though most of the content will require you to subscribe to our pro version. The cost is only $14.99 per year, and if you subscribe before the end of the month, you can save 50% by using the code CUTRITE50 and following this link!
To bring you this app, we partnered with Credo Outdoors, a anatomy and physiology professor and hunting fanatic. The app takes you through in the field processing, on the block butchering, and in the kitchen cooking so that you can own every step of your hunting experience and provider journey. Process. Butcher. Prepare. That’s our focus!
To learn more about the app, visit our app page here.
To download CutRite click one of the buttons below!

by Tayler Tibbitts | Feb 1, 2023 | Uncategorized
We bring you wild game processing, butchering and cooking to the palm of your hand.
The CutRite mobile app empowers hunters through experiential education to achieve self-reliance and
appreciation for the game and process from shot to the table. Recognizing there are many
avenues to learn how to hunt, there were few avenues to learn what to do so after the kill. THIS IS CUTRITE MOBILE. Combining education, communication, patience, our goal is to develop new and experienced hunters to be self-reliant once their animal is harvested. Empowering hunters through education from the field to the table.
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We’ll walk you through every step
From field dressing to the dinner table. Here are a couple sneak peeks of the app!
The app has been released as a web-based mobile app, and can be accessed at or just click here or the Sign Up button below, where you can sign up for free. Certain content is available without requiring a subscription so you can see the ins and outs of the app. Then, all app content can be accessed via subscription at $14.99 per year. Use the app launch code of CUTRITEOG to save 50% off your first year’s subscription!
Sign Up!
The mobile versions of CutRite are in development for both the App Store and Play Store. The nice thing is once you’ve signed up on the web-based version of the app, you will be able to download the mobile version when it’s ready and log in with your credentials you’ve already set up. And while you’re waiting for the mobile version, here’s a helpful article on how to create an app button for your web-based version of Cut Rite for Apple and Android devices.
by Tayler Tibbitts | Oct 7, 2022 | Uncategorized
Although the road to get here has had some ups and downs, we are happy to bring you the most recent version of the ElkNut mobile app. In addition to the new content and features we rolled out in September, we have now managed to restore content featured on the app when it was one-time purchase to the updated app. New content and features will require a subscription, but the original content will be available regardless. Here are some tips on how to effectively use the new ElkNut app.
- Login Help. Anyone who has already subscribed to the ElkNut app will log in to the app the same way as they have been since the update released in September 2022. If you have not created a Got Game Technologies login, you will need to do so in order to access any ElkNut app content. Here’s what to do:
A. Select “Get Started” and then click on “Sign Up”
B. Next, enter your desired email address and choose a password.
C. Go to your email and verify your address in response to the email we send to you.
D. Return to the ElkNut app and login with the email address and password you just set up.
C. Upon logging in, you’ll be taken to the new app home page.
- How do I Subscribe? You can get to the subscription page by clicking on any content with a “Pro” designation or by navigating to the Account page in the menu (upper right corner of app). Once there, you can subscribe by following the prompts. If you have trouble further, here’s some additional help.
- Downloading Videos. If you are a pro subscriber, you will be able to access the Downloads page and mass download video and audio files. Here’s more info on that process. If you have not subscribed, you can still download calls and videos for offline use, you’ll just need to do so on an individual basis by visiting each call, sequence or tactic you wish to download, and clicking on the download cloud (you’ll know when you’ve finished your download because the cloud will change to the word “remove,” meaning the item has downloaded and you can click on “remove” when you desire to remove it from your device).
If you experience other issues or have more questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us through the “Contact Us” page.
There are a lot more features to the ElkNut app available on this update, and we hope you find it useful and enjoyable.
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