by Tayler Tibbitts | Jul 28, 2022 | Uncategorized
One of the things that makes Paul Medel, aka the ElkNut, such a good elk calling instructor is his enthusiasm for elk hunting! Many of use were introduced to Paul through one podcasting platform or another. In fact, the Got Game Technologies team met Paul after listening to him in 2016 on the Hunt Backcountry Podcast (Episodes 36-37)! Here is as exhaustive of a list as we have been able to compile of every currently available podcast episode featuring the ElkNut (47 total). The headings are hyperlinked so you can access each respective podcast’s website or hosting platform. Paul is also recording a few more episodes with various shows in the ensuing weeks, so this number is only going to go up. We hope you enjoy working back through these episodes–let us know which one is your favorite!
Got Game University (that’s us!)
Season 4 – ElkNut Series
Episode 2 – ElkNut joined by Kody Kellom of BRO Call Co for an Elk Calling Brainstorm
Season 2 – ElkNut Listener Series
Episode 1 – Confidence is Key
Episode 2 – Elk Hunting Early Season
Episode 5 – Consistently Taking Public Land Bull Elk
Episode 9 – Chris Triest and the ElkNut Discuss Fine Tuning Your Elk Sounds
Episode 12 – ElkNut and Jason Phelps Online Elk Calling Seminar
Season 1 – ElkNut Speaks
Episode 1 – How the OTC, DIY Elk Hunter Can Work Every Bull Encountered
Episode 3 – The Most Common Elk Calling Mistakes
Episode 5 – Do Cow Elk Really Make a Special Sound When They’re in Estrus?
Episode 7 – Solo Elk Hunting vs. Hunting in a Group
Episode 8 – Advanced Elk Sounds to Seal the Deal
Episode 9 – Discussing Backcountry Gear, Food and Mental Toughness for Elk Hunting
Episode 10 – What Time in September Should You Hunt?
Episode 11 – Elk Calling Seminar on How to Hunt Early Season Bulls
Episode 12 – ElkNut Breaks Down His 2019 Archery Elk Season

Hunt Backcountry
Episode 36 – Don’t Just Call – “Talk Elk” with Paul the “ElkNut” Medel
Episode 37 – Part 2 with the “Elk Nut”
Episode 93 – Last-Minute Elk Hunting Advice from the “ElkNut”
Episode 138 – The ElkNut Returns
Episode 245 – 5 Favorites – Paul “the Elk Nut” Medel
Episode 305 – The Elk Nut – Paul Medel talks Age, Calling, Pressure and More …

The Rich Outdoors
Episode 158 – Wapiti Wednesday with ElkNut Paul Medel (Best of the Podcast Episode)
Episode 260 – Wapiti Wednesday with ElkNut Paul Medel

ElkShape Podcast
Episode 83 – The Elk Nut Slow Play
Episode 165 – The ELKNUT is Back & Getting Rowdy – Paul Medel and 40+ Years of Elk Hunting

Archery Maniacs
Episode 3 – Specific Elk Calling and Hunting for the DIY Hunter on Public Land with the ElkNut Paul Medel
Episode 37 – From A-Z with ElkNut Outdoor Productions
Episode 40 – Specific Solo Elk Calling, Setups, and Hunting Tactics with Paul Medel of ElkNut Outdoor Productions

Episode 13 – ElkNut Part 1 (Paul Medel) (Best of the Podcast Episode)
Episode 14 – ElkNut Part 2 (Paul Medel)
Episode 62 – The ElkNut on Elk Calling Tactics
Episode 90 – Paul Medel aka Elk Nut on Calling All Bulls
Episode 103 – Paul Medel the ElkNut on Finding Elk

Interviews with the Hunting Masters
Episode 9.44 – ElkNut Paul Medel Part 1
Episode 9.45 – ElkNut Paul Medel Part 2
Episode 9.76 – Paul Medel Elk Stories
Episode 339 – Paul Medel – Calling Unresponsive Elk

The Wild Initiative
Episode 79 – Paul “ElkNut” Medel and the Ultimate Insider’s Guide to Elk Vocalization
Episode 241 – Paul “ElkNut” Medel: Sounds and Strategies for Calling in Every Elk

Western Contours Podcast
April 2021 – Paul Medel: Adjust and Adapt to That Situation

Blue Collar Elk Hunting Podcast
Episode 68 – Finding & Locating Elk with Paul Medel, the ElkNut – Insights Edition
Episode 160 – Don’t Get Stuck in a Rut Hunting Elk with Paul Medel

The Western Huntsman Podcast
April 2022 – School of September with Paul Medel

Baxter Bowman Backcountry Elk Hunting Podcast
Episode 59 – Everything Elk Calling w/ the ElkNut Paul Medel

Living Country in the City
Episode 79 – Paul “ElkNut” Medel and the Ultimate Insider’s Guide to Elk Vocalization

Battle Mountain Podcast
Episode 40 – Specific Solo Elk Calling, Set Ups, and Hunting Tactics with Paul Medel of ElkNut Outdoor Products

By Land Podcast
Episode 110 – Learning to Call Elk with Paul Medel

Shedding Light Hunting Stories Podcast
Episode 14 – Forest Fire Elk & Charging Bull Stories with Elk Nut Paul Medel

by Tayler Tibbitts | Aug 22, 2023 | Bull Elk, Elk, Elk Tips
UPDATE: Thanks to all who attended the webinar on 8/25! The replay is available here. We will also drop the webinar recording on the Got Game University podcast at 8 a.m. on September 7! Thanks again to the Matrix Targets team for sponsoring the webinar!
We are putting together a classic ElkNut webinar for you to listen to this Friday titled “The Ride Up to Hunting Camp” webinar. Paul is going to walk you through key tips and tactics that he’d share with you if you were riding together up to hunting camp. Sign up here!
The webinar is this Friday, August 25 at 7 p.m. MT. Paul will also take questions, so come ready with the tough ones. See you there!

by Tayler Tibbitts | Aug 11, 2023 | Uncategorized
Every elk hunter dreams about memories made in the middle of an absolute rut-fest on a crisp September morning or evening. Hair raising, heart-racing bugles echoing around the basin. Indeed most elk hunters may point to an experience like this as they tell you how they got hooked on elk hunting. We love these moments. But, despite the fun of these moments, don’t sleep on the early, early season hunt.
Now, there’s a chance you find yourself in a hot cow situation on August 30. But it is rarer. Instead, bulls are often still bachelored up and hitting wallows and waterholes regularly. They often won’t be as vocal as they will be later in the month. Even so, these bulls are still call-able! Here are a few suggestions to consider if you choose to hunt elk in the early, early season.
- Advertising Sequence. You’ll find this sequence explained in detail on the ElkNut app in the Sequences section. Here are some high points. Even in the early season, bulls are starting to figure out where they stack up amongst each other. When you enter an area where you know elk frequent, and utilize the Advertising Sequence to announce your presence in a non-aggressive manner, bulls are going to want to know who the newcomer is! Often times they will come in silent, so be ready. You also need to be committed to this sequence, calling and raking consistently for maybe even 30 to 45 minutes, and waiting for that much time or a little longer to see if any bull comes in. You also need to make sure you really are close enough to where the bulls are bedded that they can’t ignore you, the newcomer. As you study this sequence in more depth, and dial in this great early season strategy, you’re going to love hunting the archery opener!
- Cow Party. Here’s the deal: elk are herd animals. Just like with the Advertising Sequence, non-aggressive cow calling may well pique the interest of neighboring elk. Odds are cows, calves or small bulls will be what comes into this sequence, but for many elk hunters that’s a fine trophy. Follow the guidance on the ElkNut app as you practice this sequence, and you’ll be pleased with the increase in the number of elk you see on your next early season elk hunting trip.
- Slow Play Sequence. Now, as stated in the intro above, sometimes cows do come into heat early in the season. And you may well be able to paint this picture to a bull that gives up his location. This sequence is broken down in detail on the ElkNut app, so study up. The gist is that as you guage the temperature of a bull, you slowly and patiently start to heat him up. This is going to take longer than you think most of the time, and you can’t crank the heat up to 10 right out of the gate. Read his reactions and eventually you can get him fired up enough to come into bow range.
We are only a few short weeks away from the archery elk season opener in many states. We all love a good rut-party, and many plan their hunts for that time of the month. But don’t sleep on the early, early season. It’s a sneaky good time to get out and get first crack at the bulls!
Hopefully you’re dusting off the ElkNut app. If you’re up for renewal of your pro subscription, be sure to use the code RENEW25 to save 25% off to renew your subscription to the app again this year. We appreciate your continued support of the app and our platform.
by Tayler Tibbitts | Jun 17, 2023 | Uncategorized
In celebration of the CutRite app’s launch on both the App Store and Play Store, we have put together a sweet giveaway for one lucky winner worth over $1,000 and including prizes from Kifaru International, Schenk Knives, Ivory Holsters, Born and Raised Outdoors, Hunt Chef, and Last Light. Check it out here on our Giveaway page! Contest ends June 30!
by Tayler Tibbitts | Jun 17, 2023 | Uncategorized
Some of our Android users are having an issue with their pro subscription to the CutRite app being recognized. If you’ve tried the “Refresh Subscriptions” button on the Account page and you still don’t have access to the pro content after paying, please send an email to, and he will help you manually make this connection while we sort out the bug in the code on the back end and get a new app build submitted to the Google Play Store.
If you are an Android user and haven’t subscribed yet, but would like to, you can avoid the above issue by subscribing via the web-based version of the app. Just go to this website:, login with the same credentials you used on the mobile app, select Account in the upper right menu, and then subscribe from there. The code CUTRITE50 will save you 50% off on the annual subscription.
Any other issues can be directed to tayler@gotgametech. We want to make sure we get this app working for you!
by Tayler Tibbitts | Jun 13, 2023 | Uncategorized
We are excited to inform you that the CutRite mobile app is live on the App Store and Play Store!
Hundreds of hours of time and effort, blood, sweat and tears have been poured into this app platform, and we’re excited for you to check it out! The app is free to download, though most of the content will require you to subscribe to our pro version. The cost is only $14.99 per year, and if you subscribe before the end of the month, you can save 50% by using the code CUTRITE50 and following this link!
To bring you this app, we partnered with Credo Outdoors, a anatomy and physiology professor and hunting fanatic. The app takes you through in the field processing, on the block butchering, and in the kitchen cooking so that you can own every step of your hunting experience and provider journey. Process. Butcher. Prepare. That’s our focus!
To learn more about the app, visit our app page here.
To download CutRite click one of the buttons below!

by Tayler Tibbitts | Feb 1, 2023 | Uncategorized
We bring you wild game processing, butchering and cooking to the palm of your hand.
The CutRite mobile app empowers hunters through experiential education to achieve self-reliance and
appreciation for the game and process from shot to the table. Recognizing there are many
avenues to learn how to hunt, there were few avenues to learn what to do so after the kill. THIS IS CUTRITE MOBILE. Combining education, communication, patience, our goal is to develop new and experienced hunters to be self-reliant once their animal is harvested. Empowering hunters through education from the field to the table.
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We’ll walk you through every step
From field dressing to the dinner table. Here are a couple sneak peeks of the app!
The app has been released as a web-based mobile app, and can be accessed at or just click here or the Sign Up button below, where you can sign up for free. Certain content is available without requiring a subscription so you can see the ins and outs of the app. Then, all app content can be accessed via subscription at $14.99 per year. Use the app launch code of CUTRITEOG to save 50% off your first year’s subscription!
Sign Up!
The mobile versions of CutRite are in development for both the App Store and Play Store. The nice thing is once you’ve signed up on the web-based version of the app, you will be able to download the mobile version when it’s ready and log in with your credentials you’ve already set up. And while you’re waiting for the mobile version, here’s a helpful article on how to create an app button for your web-based version of Cut Rite for Apple and Android devices.
by Tayler Tibbitts | Oct 7, 2022 | Uncategorized
Although the road to get here has had some ups and downs, we are happy to bring you the most recent version of the ElkNut mobile app. In addition to the new content and features we rolled out in September, we have now managed to restore content featured on the app when it was one-time purchase to the updated app. New content and features will require a subscription, but the original content will be available regardless. Here are some tips on how to effectively use the new ElkNut app.
- Login Help. Anyone who has already subscribed to the ElkNut app will log in to the app the same way as they have been since the update released in September 2022. If you have not created a Got Game Technologies login, you will need to do so in order to access any ElkNut app content. Here’s what to do:
A. Select “Get Started” and then click on “Sign Up”
B. Next, enter your desired email address and choose a password.
C. Go to your email and verify your address in response to the email we send to you.
D. Return to the ElkNut app and login with the email address and password you just set up.
C. Upon logging in, you’ll be taken to the new app home page.
- How do I Subscribe? You can get to the subscription page by clicking on any content with a “Pro” designation or by navigating to the Account page in the menu (upper right corner of app). Once there, you can subscribe by following the prompts. If you have trouble further, here’s some additional help.
- Downloading Videos. If you are a pro subscriber, you will be able to access the Downloads page and mass download video and audio files. Here’s more info on that process. If you have not subscribed, you can still download calls and videos for offline use, you’ll just need to do so on an individual basis by visiting each call, sequence or tactic you wish to download, and clicking on the download cloud (you’ll know when you’ve finished your download because the cloud will change to the word “remove,” meaning the item has downloaded and you can click on “remove” when you desire to remove it from your device).
If you experience other issues or have more questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us through the “Contact Us” page.
There are a lot more features to the ElkNut app available on this update, and we hope you find it useful and enjoyable.
by Tayler Tibbitts | Oct 7, 2022 | Uncategorized
Our recent update to the ElkNut mobile app has created quite a stir, and for reasons that have been reiterated to the Got Game Tech and ElkNut teams by many app users. As we’ve mentioned in recent communications regarding the ElkNut app update, we are a small company; we’re limited in time and resources; and we’re just trying to bring you the best elk calling content available not only now, but in to the future. This has always been the driver of every update to the ElkNut app, and it is absolutely the driver behind this new update to the ElkNut app that we are expecting to go live sometime today, October 7 on both the App Store and Play Store.
This new app update is designed to address the most common piece of feedback we have received from app users: the loss of original one-time purchase content in requiring a subscription under the new app model. With this update, app users will be able to access the original one-time purchase content without paying for a subscription. Users will still need to create a Got Game Technologies account in order to access any content, but payment will only be required to access the new content, which we have labeled as “Pro” content. All future content added to the app, will be assigned this “Pro” designation. Additionally, the new downloads page that allows for better management of downloaded videos and audio files for offline use will also require a subscription (but videos and audio files can still be downloaded one at a time on each call, sequence and tactic page without a subscription). With these perks and additional content in the future, there are definitely reasons to give the subscription a try.
Those of you who have already subscribed to the ElkNut app over the last few weeks will automatically have access to all content on the app, including the Pro content, without having to take any additional steps. Just make sure your app has updated, and then log in with the Got Game Tech email address and password you set up, and you should have access to all content on the app. Your Pro subscription will renew annually, but whether or not you renew, the original content on the one-time purchase app will not require a subscription to maintain access.
We have received much positive feedback from many ElkNut app users regarding the new app, it’s design, features and especially the new content, and we thank all who have shared that with us. To those who have taken the time to share more critical feedback, we also thank you for that. Without it, we would not have grasped where you’re coming from in requesting this type of a change be made.
Overall, we hope that you understand our integrity and commitment to customer service is foremost. We did not overlook these principles in the update released last month. This was never about money or tricking people in to buying the app and then requiring a subscription, and we’ve tried to treat every person fairly who has reached out. But we did miscalculate a number of important considerations in our exuberance to get the app update released and transition over to the subscription model. And we hope that this new update will take care of the vast majority of concerns and critical feedback we have received.
If you have further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us! To troubleshoot any issues with the new version of the ElkNut app, please read here. If you are enjoying the ElkNut app, we’d sure appreciate a positive review on the App Store/Play Store. Thank you for the support, feedback and encouragement over the years
by Tayler Tibbitts | Sep 14, 2022 | Uncategorized
Currently this is the easiest way to redeem a discount code for the ElkNut app.
1. Close out of the app and open your web browser. Go to this website:
2. Log in with your email and password that you have set up on the app. (Or if you haven’t set one up yet, you can set one up here.)
3. Once logged in on the website, click on “Account” in the menu.
4. Scroll down and you’ll see a gray button: “Subscribe w/Stripe”
5. Click on that button. When stripe opens up you’ll see “Add Promotion Code” in red on the left (if you’re on a computer). If you’re on a mobile device, the add promo code option may also be in the upper right corner. Click that and type in your PROMO CODE.
6. You’ll still need to fill in Credit Card info, but your discount code will be applied against any charges.
7. Then you can go back to the mobile app, log out, log back in, and you’ll be good to go.
by Tayler Tibbitts | Sep 14, 2022 | Elk, Uncategorized
Since the most recent update to the ElkNut app on October 7, 2022, the below Q&A isn’t completely relevant any more. We’ve found a way to restore original content to one-time purchasers, and require a subscription only for new content added to the app. We appreciate everyone’s patience through this update process as we try to find the best approach going forward. The below information does help tell the story for all the change that we’ve experienced over the last few months, so we want to make sure it’s still accessible to review and consider.
We have received a lot of questions from our app users that we would like to answer for everyone. We are blessed to have an amazing customer base that has been patient with us as we’ve worked through challenges that have arisen along the way. Thank you for that. And now, to the Q&A.
“Why are you changing to a subscription model?”
I’ve spoken with many of you about this via email, text and phone over the last few days. This has been a decision we’ve wrestled with for a long time. The ElkNut app started as a passion project of ours way back in 2016 after I got my very first taste of archery elk hunting in September and first listened to the ElkNut, Paul Medel, on the Hunt Backcountry Podcast. I figured there had to be a good mobile app tool to teach me how to call elk, and when I didn’t locate any on the App Store, called up Paul and he agreed to give this idea a go. The team, Paul (elk calling expert), Dustin (app developer), Jack (videographer/editor), and Ryan (marketing/brother in law/hunting buddy), and myself (everything else), are trying to side hustle this thing all while working full time day jobs, taking care of our families and hunt with what little time we have left over. (Paul is, as many of you know, retired after a hard-working career in the construction industry doing masonry.) We’re just normal guys trying to keep up with the increasing cost in time and resources demanded by the ElkNut app.
For the last five years we have updated the ElkNut app and kept it current and functional without charging any additional fee beyond that one-time purchase price. Paul has also been very free with his time, providing free podcasts and seminars, and always taking a phone call or responding to an email from a fellow elk hunter.
Without making a change, the ElkNut app would have eventually run out of steam completely, falling behind upgraded phones and devices, stuck in neutral while everything else keeps moving. We made this change to a subscription model to avoid that, as it provides the resources to make regular updates, stay up to speed with technology and keep the content current and increasing.
(Along these lines, here’s a letter that Paul and I put together and sent out via email in early August).
“Why can’t we just go back to the old app?”
Bifurcating the ElkNut app into two apps was an idea that we considered. But in a time when we are trying to better balance the costs and demands of a growing app platform as a very small company, overseeing two ElkNut apps instead of one would have been counter to the reasons that prompted the change to a subscription model in the first place, as discussed above. Thus, we decided to push out the subscription update as a new version of the ElkNut app, which in effect did away with the old version. While the old version is no longer available, we’re confident you’ll love the updated version.
“What does the new version of the ElkNut app have that’s different from the old?”
For starters, we added 28 new videos that clarified or expanded upon elk sounds on the app or added new sequences or tactics. This is the biggest update in terms of content that we’ve ever made to the app.
Next, we redesigned the app to increase readability and visual appeal.
And lastly, we added a number of new features: (1) Got Game Tech user account that will better enable us to communicate with app users in the future. Not having basic contact information for app users like an email address (the App Store and Play Store don’t share that with us when you sign up) has been a real problem, underscored by the fact that many of you did not know the update was coming down the pipe. (2) Home Page, including a News Feed for updates from the team, and a Favorites menu for easy access to your favorite calls, sequences and tactics. (3) Downloads page that makes preparing the app for offline use much easier to manage. (4) Products page to share exclusive offers made available to ElkNut app users; this is an area we hope to better leverage on behalf of our users in a way that also helps offset the annual app subscription cost. (5) #Elknutsuccess page to feature successful elk hunts by the ElkNut team and app users. (6) Web-based app version free to subscribers for desktop computer use.
“I’ve already paid to download the app when it was a one time purchase. Why do I have to pay again?”
Our team, myself and Paul included, have emphasized in the past that the app was to be a one time purchase app. That’s absolutely been said. However, for the reasons discussed above about not wanting the app to go unmaintained and not keep up with new phones and systems into the future, we have had to change our pricing model to maintain the ElkNut app and keep it current and usable into the future.
We do want to make sure we do right by those who bought the ElkNut app under the impression that it would never be a subscription app. That is why we are offering recent app purchasers a free year under the subscription and all other users who convert over a 50% off discount. If however, you do not feel that you have received adequate value from the ElkNut app for the $9.99 USD that you paid for it from your date of purchase until today, please contact me at and we will get it worked out.
“Why release the update in the middle of September?”
Timing for this update was not good. It was not our plan to release mid-September. As some of you know, we released the web-based version (also a perk of the new update) on August 1, with plans of the Apple and Android mobile app releases to quickly follow. But the mobile app update took much more time to finish than anticipated, and we didn’t receive an approval from the App Store to release until midday on September 9. We discussed holding off on the app release, but ultimately decided to get it out there so our app users could use and implement the new content and features with some time left in the archery elk season. Thus, the Apple version released Saturday, September 10.
Our team has been answering emails phone calls and text messages from 6 am to 11 pm every day since then, and will be happy to continue to do so as long as needed to make sure app users can get up and running as soon as possible. I really appreciate your patience as we’ve worked through this update and dealt with some challenges with the App Store subscription approval along the way (more on that below).
“What was going on with the App Store the first four days?”
As stated above, we received approval to release the app on September 9. However, despite approving the app, and without any messaging of any kind, the App Store did not approve the subscription. Having received the green light on the app as a whole, we let ‘er rip at 6 am MT on September 10, and then found out that nothing happened when the subscription button was clicked. We were fortunate to have a technical workaround, but it absolutely complicated the app release. Fortunately, after four days of more work, lots of calls and emails, and sweating bullets, this issue has been resolved, and the subscription button on the Apple version is fully functional.
“What does the subscription cost?”
The annual subscription is $14.99 at full price, but is currently available to subscribe for $7.49. I’m not sure you can find many hamburgers that cost less than that.
“What if I bought the app recently?”
Anyone who has purchased the app between June 1, 2022 and September 9, 2022 is entitled to a free annual subscription. We’ll also honor this for any app purchase close to this time frame. You can claim this promotion here.
“When will the Android version be ready?”
We were ready to release the Android version on September 10 along with the Apple version until we realized there was an issue with the subscription button. Not knowing that it was an Apple-specific issue, we decided to hold off until we had that issue resolved. We have had on offline use bug that has come up recently, and so we’ve held off on the Android release until we’re 100% sure it’s functional. Given the timing with what’s left of the archery elk season, we’ll hold the Android release until October 1.
“A little heads up would have been nice, yeah?”
Prior to this update, which as discussed above gives us the ability to now collect email addresses from users for better communication, we did not have a reliable medium to contact customers.
The old version of the app did not have a reliable mechanism to send messages, but we tried by adding a link in the products section below each elk sound, sequence and tactic on the app announcing the impending update. We also emailed our mailing list, which was based on Paul’s email list when we started working together and our efforts at Got Game Tech over the years. It’s a decent list, but even if everyone on it were an ElkNut app user, which is not the case, it would only have reached about 30% of our app users. We also posted on social media and answered questions as they came up, but many of our app users are not on social media consistently enough to get the message. As a result, this update caught many of you by surprise, some of you in the mountains on hunts, or preparing to do so. We’re very sorry for that and hope we can leverage this new version of the app to better communicate with you.
“How do I get the app working again?”
If you are having trouble subscribing to the ElkNut app, here are some general suggestions to keep in mind.
1. You need to create a new account with Got Game Tech. This is not based on your Apple ID or Play Store email address. As a result, if you have not subscribed yet, you need to click on “Sign Up” rather than “Sign In” and enter your email address and choose your password.
2. If you have recently purchased the ElkNut app, here is the form you fill out to claim your free year. You will need to wait until you get an email back from us with instructions on how to apply your coupon code before continuing to subscribe. I’ve been trying diligently to stay on top of these and respond same day (usually within a couple of hours). If you have submitted the form and not received a reply in 24 hours, please check your junk/spam folder.
3. If you are not a new app user, and you sign up through the App Store for the subscription, you will automatically receive the $7.49 deal. If you instead register through Stripe, which is what we had to do when the App Store subscription button was down, you can use the code ELKNUTOG to claim your discount.
4. You can access the app Home Screen without a subscription, but the rest of the content is locked. To finish subscribing after you log in, you will need to go to the app menu in the upper right hand corner, then select Account. From that page you’ll be able to click on the Subscribe button.
5. Here is a helpful article that discusses the new download page and how you can best use that.
6. For all other technical challenges, please send me an email at I will either respond or direct you to another team member if I’m unavailable (I do hope to get some elk hunting in sometime this month).
Hopefully this addresses some of your concerns with the app update and helps you understand the extent and the timing of it all. We are sorry for the headache that this update has caused many of you. Our goal is to provide a valuable elk calling tool that helps you find more success in the elk woods, and we hope to rebuild any trust, confidence or respect that has been called in to question by this app update. If you have further questions, comments or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact me ( Best of luck to you in this and future elk seasons!
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