Don’t miss the ElkNut’s hunt update (follow the below link “Visit Site” if you’re a mobile app user), as he breaks down a couple of close encounters that came about by use of the Advertising Sequence!
ElkNut’s Hunt Update – Sept 1, 2022
by Tayler Tibbitts | Sep 3, 2022 | Uncategorized | 6 comments
I am an ElkNut subscriber and can no longer get into the App. Tried resetting PW with no success getting in. I have downloaded the learning videos and like to play on hunts. Cannot open anything. Cannot resubscribe. Can anyone help
Hi James, thanks for reaching out. Send an email over to, and we will help you get squared away.
Same problem. You guys had no problem taking my payment this transition feels like a ripoff.
Hi John–please shoot an email over to and we’ll address your questions/concerns.
Great job on closing the distance, but I’m still having troubles in the last 100 yards of myself. I’ll continue to study your videos, but it would be great if you can give some advice on closing the last 100 yards!
Hi Mark—thanks for the feedback! Paul has spent some time discussing this on some podcast episodes, but we’ll see if we can consolidate some info and get this out to app users. 👍