by Tayler Tibbitts | Aug 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
We are excited to announce that we have partnered with the Idaho Fish and Game to provide a free elk calling seminar at the new IDFG building in Nampa, Idaho on August 23, 2019 at 6:30 p.m MT. The keynote presenter will be the ElkNut, Paul Medel. He will be joined by Chris Horton, founder of Elk Addicts. And for the youth attending, the recently crowned World Peewee Elk Calling Champion, Chris Fong, will also be in attendance.
This star-studded panel will be providing their insight into the art of elk calling and hunting over the counter public land elk. There will also be door prizes that have been donated by Exo Mountain Gear, Phelps Game Calls, Elk Addicts, and the ElkNut mobile app. Be sure to show your appreciation for these great companies by checking out their products in advance of the event!
The new IDFG building is located at 15950 N. Gate Blvd., Nampa, Idaho. If you would like to attend in person, please send an e-mail to We will also be broadcasting the seminar live for those who cannot attend in person. This will happen on the ElkNut mobile app Instagram page, @elknutapp. Either way, mark your calendars for Friday, August 23 at 6:30 p.m. MT. You don’t want to miss this!
by Tayler Tibbitts | Jul 18, 2019 | Uncategorized
We have received some great feedback from customers since our last update to the ElkNut App. And while we can’t put all the suggestions to work, we have been able to make a couple major changes that you will see on this new version of the ElkNut App. If you already have the app downloaded, the update will be automatically pushed out through the App Store or Google Play store depending upon your device. If you don’t have the ElkNut App, you may purchase it on the App Store here or the Google Play Store here and it will be in this new format.
The most noticeable update to the app is the menu bar that is located at the bottom of the screen. We learned there is too much information on the app that not enough of our users were able to navigate to very easily. This new navigation bar lets users now right away that the ElkNut app is more than just a library of elk calls. It’s loaded with tips, tactics, and elk calling sequences to help you become a more successful elk hunter.
Speaking of sequences, we have added a substantially more detailed Slow Play sequence! This used to be tucked away in the Tactics section as one of the “ElkNut Nuggets.” But it’s such an important sequence, and Paul has expounded on it so much in this update, that we knew it needed to be more prominently featured. If you want to understand how to work every bull you encounter, you need the slow play sequence in your life!
We have also added two additional tactics to help the Early Season and Solo elk hunters. Check those out and let us know what you think! We get a lot of questions about these two topics, so we hope you will find the information helpful. We’ve also added a couple more ElkNut Nuggets (in the Tactics section), but we don’t want to spoil the surprise. Open up the app and see for yourself!
You’re also going to want to check out the newly updated “Products Used” section. Here you can find the products we recommend to help you to find the most success in the field. This section can be found under each elk sound included on the app. Select the sound, then you’ll see the screen showing the video, audio, tips, and products used. Definitely give these companies and products your consideration.
In sum, it’s short time; elk season is next month for many of us. We hope you will dive in to this app update and let us know what you think and other things we can do to improve it. As always, thank you for your loyalty and for sharing the app with friends and family. Remember, friends don’t let friends elk hunt without the ElkNut app.
by Tayler Tibbitts | Mar 7, 2019 | Uncategorized
Our business is working with expert callers and hunters and disseminating their knowledge into a format that’s accessible and intuitive to our customers through mobile apps.
Providing additional information through a podcast platform goes hand in hand with this model. To this end, we’ve launched the Got Game University Podcast, which will be organized by series.
Each series will focus on hunting a certain game animal. Right now, our series include ElkNut, Turkey Tech, Duck Tech and Whitetail Tech (one for each app we’ve developed). Each series will primarily feature our expert callers on each app, with occasional guest appearance from other industry experts.
The focus of each series and episode will be to help the do-it-yourself hunter increase their odds of success hunting. If it’s elk you’re after, we want to help you learn the language so you can have more meaningful encounters with elk. Turkeys? The goal is to help you take gobblers pulse and tailor your calling to that specific bird in that specific situation, and then execute a well-placed shot. I think you get the picture. Knowledge equals power, and we want to help you become a force to be reckoned with in the woods!
Be sure to subscribe to the Got Game University Podcast. We’re on iTunes, Google Play Music, Stitcher, and TuneIn.
by Tayler Tibbitts | Nov 30, 2018 | Uncategorized
The Got Game Tech team has partnered with whitetail wizard, Steve Stoltz, of Buckmen TV, to bring you a great tool that will help you become a better and more successful whitetail deer hunter.
The Whitetail Tech mobile app takes Steve’s hunting wisdom, which is expansive, and breaks it down in easy to digest sections and topics. On the app you can learn rattling sequences, review myriad hunting tactics, and even sharpen your deer calling skills. This app is a game changer, and it’s free for a limited time! Download it on the App Store and Google Play today!
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